There are so many wonderful educational successes to celebrate this graduation season at Oasis!

We are so grateful that Linda is home doing her teaching practicum at the local girls high school where some of her sisters attend!

We congratulate Risper as she graduates with a Diploma in Social Work and Community Development from the Cooperative University of Kenya!

We congratulate Risper yet again for being accepted into a project management program at the Rural Aid Kenya Institute in Nairobi. She will be joined at the Institute by Anastasia who will be focusing in Journalism and Wincate who will be focusing in Nursing! We are so thrilled as these young women pursue these great educational opportunities that will set them up for future success!

We congratulate Trevor (Lucky) yet again for his accomplishments. He has already achieved a diploma in heavy machinery and now is back to receive more training in plant operation!

And we are so proud of all of the children as they study hard for chemistry!

And the children are always learning the skill of farming and caring for animals. Their contribution results in more healthy food for Oasis as well as the knowledge and practice of a trade that can become a career!

The girls learn hairdressing skills which comes in handy personally and can turn into a profession as well!

Guidance, counseling, and community are also essential parts of growth and development and a definite focus at the Oasis of Peace. Here Diana gives a lesson and guides the girls in group conversation.

Joy gives us great joy as she embraces her new journey as a student, receiving her brand new uniform!

It is your brilliant and ever flowing generosity that enables this learning, growth, development and success. From our hearts to yours, we thank you.
